Expert Slip and Fall Lawyer: Your Legal Support 

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Slip and Fall Lawyer: Your Expert Legal Support 

Slip or trip and falls can result in serious injuries, including fractures and traumatic brain injuries. Making matters worse, injured people often face overwhelming debt due to steep medical bills and lost income. 

Our lawyers at WVG Law Group specialize in personal injury law. We will help you navigate a complicated legal process, while fighting for the compensation you deserve. Let us deal with the lawyers and insurance companies, so you can focus on your recovery.  

The firm's injury lawyers have a reputation for aggressive settlement negotiations and tough litigation practices. The firm is passionate about helping clients recover the maximum compensation from those who have harmed them. Schedule your  free consultation today. 

Types of Injuries Sustained in Slip and Fall | Trip and Fall Incidents

Moderate to severe falling accident injuries include lacerations, wrist and hip fractures, head trauma, head injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and concussions, and soft tissue injuries. A report by the Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America found that the most common bones that are fractured in a slip and fall or trip and fall incident are the spine, hip, leg, ankle, forearm, pelvis, upper arm, hand, and the most common slip and fall injuries include the most common slip. Even injury victims who do not suffer a physical injury may be traumatized from the experience and develop a fear of falling. In addition, neck fractures can also occur as a result of a motor vehicle accident.

Potential Notice Requirements 

In Ontario, property owners and occupiers have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of people using their property.  

If you were injured because of a safety hazard on a property, you may have a claim against the property owner or others responsible for maintaining the premises (such as a property manager or snow removal contractor). Common Safety Hazards in Slip/Trip and fall cases include: 

  • Excessive snow and/or ice;
  • Wet/slippery floors;
  • Uneven surfaces;
  • Potholes and cracks;
  • Unmarked ledges, drops and steps;
  • Inadequate lighting; and
  • Other slipping or tripping hazards.

If you think you have a claim, call WVGB Law Group right away. There are strict deadlines for notifying potential defendants which, if missed, can prevent an injured person from receiving compensation.  

  • CITY PROPERTY: Under the Municipal Act, 2001, the City must receive written notice within 10 days of the incident. A good personal injury lawyer may be able to get around this limitation period if contacted after it has elapsed.


  • PRIVATE PROPERTY: Under the Occupiers’ Liability Act, a private property owner or its maintenance contractor must receive written notice with 60 days of the incident.

 What is my case worth?

No lawyer in Ontario can guarantee a specific outcome for your case. It is important to know that there are numerous factors that will influence whether your claim is successful and the amount of compensation you ultimately recover. 

Those factors include: 

  1. The cost of the medical bills you have incurred;
  2. The cost of any future medical treatment you will need;
  3. The amount of income you lost due to your injuries;
  4. Whether your injuries have affected your future earning capacity;
  5. Whether you required home modifications to accommodate your injury;
  6. The cost of fixing your vehicle; or
  7. Whether your injury caused scarring, disability, or the loss of a bodily function.

Things to Do After a Slip/Trip and Fall 

There are some basic things you should do after a slip or trip and fall - even if you are not certain that you have a fall claim. It is much easier to collect important information and take certain steps at the outset than to try and do it weeks or months after the fall. Regardless of whether you feel pain at the time of the accident, hours or even days later, you may discover injuries. As a result, you should always schedule a medical evaluation as soon as possible after an accident to determine the result of the accident and assess any potential damages for fall accident victims according to their unique circumstances. This evaluation will help determine any potential medical expenses that may arise due to the accident. 

1. Provide Notice Immediately: if you or a loved one have suffered a serious injury as a result of a slip, trip, or fall, you may be entitled to compensation under Ontario law. Ontario law requires that property owners and occupiers keep their premises safe for visitors and they may be responsible for injuries if they do not. Notify potential defendants right away, providing the date, time, location of the fall, and a brief description of the circumstances and your injuries. A municipality should receive written notice within 10 days of the incident. A private property owner or occupier should receive notice within 60 days of the incident. If you have been a victim of a slip and fall accident caused by a negligent property owner, it is crucial that you seek the advice of an experienced personal injury lawyer, such as Ottawa Slip and Fall Lawyers, to assist with your fall accident claims and determine if you have a claim against the person’s property. 

2. Precisely Identify the Location of the Fall: in the legal world, the precise location of a fall is extremely important. Make sure to gather as much information as you can about the location of your fall - and do it as soon as you can.  

3. Preserve Your Footwear: your choice of footwear in a slip or trip and fall case will generally be relevant, especially when it comes to icy sidewalks. To avoid responsibility, a defendant will often argue that your footwear was inappropriate in the circumstances (e.g., running shoes during a snow storm). It is important to keep the shoes or boots you were wearing at the time of the incident on icy sidewalks so that they can be inspected in the future. It is equally important to take photos of your shoes or boots right away to preserve them as evidence for your legal claim. Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of any "Wet Floor" signs or other warnings in public spaces to prevent slip and fall accidents. 

4. Take Photographs: we understand that after a traumatic fall, taking photographs may be the last thing on your mind. However, photographs showing the location of the fall and the condition of the property, such as poor lighting, can be very helpful in your case – particularly when it involves changing conditions like snow and ice. If practicable, you or someone you know should take pictures of the scene as soon as possible. It is best to take many photographs of the area from different angles and vantage points. If your case involves road or sidewalk defects (e.g., potholes and cracks), it may even be helpful to take photographs measuring the width and depth of the defect. Common causes of slip and fall accidents, such as uneven surfaces, cracked and eroded pavement, deep potholes, un-ploughed or unsalted snow and ice, loose carpeting, construction debris, unsafe steps and stairs, steep steps and curbs, hazardous spills and leaks, and the right to financial compensation, should also be considered when documenting the scene. 

5. Collect Witness Information: Memories fade! If someone witnessed your slip/trip and fall, make sure to obtain their contact information (full name, address, and telephone number). Your WVG lawyer will set up an interview right away. 

Common Slip and Fall Locations 

Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, but certain locations tend to have a higher risk. Being aware of these common locations can help you take precautions and avoid potential hazards. Here are a few places where slip and fall accidents often occur: 

Supermarkets and grocery stores 

Spilled liquids or misplaced objects in the aisles can pose a significant risk to shoppers. Be cautious while maneuvering through these areas. 

Restaurants and bars 

Slippery floors due to spilled drinks or wet surfaces in restrooms can lead to unexpected falls. Pay attention to your surroundings, especially in high-traffic areas. 

Sidewalks and parking lots 

Uneven surfaces, cracked pavement, or ice and snow buildup can make walking hazardous. Take extra care when navigating these areas, especially during inclement weather. 

Office buildings 

Loose carpeting, slippery entranceways, or poorly maintained staircases can contribute to slip and fall accidents. Be mindful of your surroundings and report any safety concerns to building management. 

Shopping malls 

With multiple stores and a constant flow of shoppers, shopping malls can be prone to accidents. Watch out for wet floors near entrances or spills near food courts. 

Hotels and resorts 

Slippery pool decks, wet bathroom floors, or poorly maintained walkways can increase the risk of slip and fall incidents. Take caution in these areas, especially after a rain shower or when near water. 

Public transportation stations 

Bus stops, train platforms, and subway stations are often crowded and may have slippery surfaces due to spills or inclement weather. Pay attention to your footing while waiting for transportation. 

Schools and universities 

Hallways, classrooms, and cafeterias in educational institutions can have slippery floors from spills or cleaning activities. Stay alert and watch your step, especially during busy periods. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: What should I do if I slip and fall on someone else's property? 

A: If you slip and fall on someone else's property, there are several steps you should take to protect your rights and build a strong case. First, seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. Next, document the scene by taking photographs from different angles and vantage points. This includes capturing any defects or hazards that may have caused your fall, such as uneven surfaces, cracked pavement, or icy patches. It is also important to collect witness information, as their testimony can be crucial in supporting your claim. Finally, consult with a fall injury lawyer who specializes in personal injury cases. They will guide you through the legal process, help you understand your rights, and fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Q: What types of hazards can lead to a slip-and-fall accident? 

A: Slip and fall accidents can happen due to various hazards such as snow and ice, loose carpeting, construction debris, unsafe steps and stairs, steep steps and curbs, and hazardous spills or leaks. It is important to document these hazards when building your case for financial compensation. 

Q: Does what I am doing on the property affect my ability to file a slip and fall claim? 

A: Generally, your activities on the property do not affect your ability to file a slip and fall claim. Property owners have a legal duty of care to maintain a safe environment for all visitors, regardless of their purpose on the property. However, there may be some exceptions if you were engaged in illegal activities or trespassing at the time of the accident. It is best to consult with a slip and fall lawyer to evaluate the specifics of your case and determine the best course of action. 

Q: What should I do immediately after a slip and fall accident? 

A: After a slip and fall accident, it is important to take immediate steps to protect your health and strengthen your case. First, seek medical attention for your injuries, even if they seem minor. This will ensure that you receive appropriate treatment and create a record of your injuries. Next, document the scene by taking photographs from different angles and vantage points. Capture any defects or hazards that may have caused your fall, such as uneven surfaces or icy patches. Collect witness information as well, as their testimony can support your claim. Lastly, it is crucial to report the incident to the property owner or manager. This can be done by filling out an accident report or notifying them in writing. Be sure to retain a copy of this report for your records. 

Q: How long do I have to file a slip and fall lawsuit? 

A: The timeframe for filing a slip and fall lawsuit, known as the statute of limitations, varies depending on the jurisdiction. It is important to consult with a slip and fall lawyer as soon as possible to understand the specific time limit in your area. Generally, it is advisable to take prompt action and not delay in filing your lawsuit. Waiting too long may result in the loss of your right to seek compensation for your injuries. Your slip and fall lawyer will guide you through the legal process and ensure that all necessary deadlines are met. It is crucial to act swiftly to protect your rights and maximize your chances of a successful outcome. 

Q: What kind of compensation can I expect in a slip and fall case? 

A: The compensation you may be entitled to in a slip and fall case depends on various factors, including the severity of your injuries, the impact on your daily life, and any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the accident. In general, slip and fall cases seek to provide compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages (past loss of income), pain and suffering, and any future care or treatment that may be required. 









Let's talk about your case 

You can schedule a call with one of our lawyers anytime. Call today and get the help you need. 

CALL (877) 632-5287

Or fill out our online form, and we will respond within 24 hrs. 


Tel: (613) 505- 5025

Fax: (613) 234-5852 

200-2571 Carling Avenue 

Ottawa, Ontario 

K2B 7H7 

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